What is C.A.R.E.? (please click here to read our About page)

What does your program offer?

CARE, Inc. has nearly 30 years of experience in helping survivors of ritual abuse, human trafficking and complex trauma heal. We provide ministry to Survivors of Ritual Abuse and Other Forms of Complex Trauma Including Human Trafficking, and education and consulting to those who support them, including therapists, pastors, prayer ministers and church support teams.

Phone, Skype and in-person consults to survivors

For those who have survived trauma, including ritual abuse with a dissociative response, CARE offers individual sessions of prayer ministry by phone, Skype or in-person.  The first session consists of an intake time and a chance to have your questions answered. To schedule a session, please call our office at (231) 745-0500.

Phone, Skype and in-person consultations to therapists

CARE provides consults to therapists working with clients who have experienced complex trauma, including chronic, severe abuse and ritual abuse with dissociative responses.  With over 30 years of combined experience in this area of ministry, we can provide information on how to effectively help and support survivors.

Prayer Intensives

Intensives are week-long sessions of 3 or 6 hours per day of prayer ministry designed to help the survivor reach the roots of what caused the beliefs that cause dissociation or other symptoms.  These blocks of time can be highly effective in bringing down strongholds, addressing core beliefs and helping to work past “blocks” inside. To learn more, please click here.

Prayer Ministry Internships: Click here to learn about prayer ministry internships

Training for Churches and Supporters

CARE offers one-day and two-day training seminars for churches, therapists and those who support survivors of ritual abuse and human trafficking. Topics covered include an overview of ritual abuse, human trafficking, the healing process, and the role of the church in helping survivors. These seminars are customized according to the needs of your particular clients or organization.  Click here to learn more. 

For further information, or to schedule an appointment, call our office at (231) 745-0500 or email us at care1@triton.net.



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