from the booklet Spritual Warfare Prayers by Mark I. Bubeck (edited by survivors)

Lord Jesus the Messiah of Nazareth, Son of the true and living God, who was born of the Virgin Mary, led a sinless holy life, voluntarily died on the cross to conquer sin and rose again on the third day to conquer death, I come again to worship You in the wonder of who You are. I confess my sins to You and ask that You would wash me clean from every known and hidden offence that has caused any separation from You and grieving of Your Holy Spirit.

  1. I renounce the strongholds of pride and independence from God and pray that You would bring to mind all prideful sins that I have committed against You since I last repented.
  2. I renounce the strongholds of fear and terror and pray that You would bring to mind all sins because of fear and terror that I have committed against You since I last repented. I also renounce the fear of man and my tendency to take on the responsibility of “saving” others.
  3. I renounce the strongholds of unbelief and denial and pray that You would bring to mind all sins of unbelief and denial that I have committed against You since I last repented.
  4. I renounce the stronghold of rebellion and pray that You would bring to mind all sins of rebellion that I have committed against You since I last repented.
  5. I renounce the strongholds of unforgiveness and bitterness and pray that You would bring to mind all sins of unforgiveness and bitterness that I have committed against You since I last repented.
  6. I renounce the strongholds of hopelessness and despair and pray that You would bring to mind all sins that I have committed against You because of hopelessness and despair since I last repented.
  7. I renounce the strongholds of jealousy and selfish ambition and pray that You would bring to mind all sins of jealousy and selfish ambition that I have committed against You since I last repented.
  8. I renounce the strongholds of hatred and revenge and pray that You would bring to mind all sins of hatred and revenge that I have committed against You since I last repented.

I recognize within my person a fleshly nature that can be rebellious in Your sight. I affirm that in my union with the Lord Jesus the Messiah in His death I am dead to the rule of the fleshly nature. I desire the new nature You have placed within me to be in charge through the power of my Savior’s resurrection. May Your Holy Spirit enable me to manifest before You and others the fruit of His full control. Lord Jesus the Messiah of Nazareth, Son of the true and living God, who was born of the Virgin Mary, led a sinless holy life, voluntarily died on the cross to conquer sin and rose again on the third day to conquer death, empower me today to live and walk with You, not independent from You.

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