The first words of Yeshua recorded in John’s Gospel are a question: “What are you seeking?” And the second express an invitation: “Come and see…” (John 1:38-39). The problem with many of us is not that we are so hungry, but rather that we are not hungry enough… We settle for junk food when God spreads out his banqueting table before us. There is a “deeper hunger” for life, and I pray we are all touched by such hunger pangs; there is a “blessed hunger and thirst” that feeds our heart’s cry for God (Matt. 5:6); there is a “divine discontent” that leads to a deeper sense of contentment for the heart… If you are feeling empty today, ask God to feed you with His life-giving food. The Spirit of the Living God calls out, “Seek Me and live” (Amos 5:4).

Jew for Christians

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