Last night we went to a lecture given by WAR (Woman At Risk).  We were given interesting statistics that I would like to share with you.  Human Trafficking is the fastest growing criminal problem in the world.  The average age of children being trafficked for sexual abuse is 12.  There are two types of trafficking- slave labor and sexual.  Currently it is a 9 billion dollars per year.  For many children it begins on the internet.  Human trafficking is in every city in the United States. Nevada is the #1 state involved in human trafficking with Michigan #2. The six geographic places in Michigan where trafficking is high are Grand Rapids, Detroit, Ann Arbor, Muskegon, Lansing and Mackinac Island.

While they are training these children to be slaves they lavish gifts on them and make them extremely happy.  When they are ready to use them they tell these children now they have to pay for the gifts by selling their bodies.  These children are under constant supervision and they often talk very little about themselves to others.  Often they have an ownership branding somewhere on their bodies.  The owners use drugs and alcohol  to subdue them while they brain wash them against authority figures (police, teachers, pastors, parents, judges, counselors, etc).  They are taught not to trust people.  Seventy one percent of these children are suicidal.

WAR points out that Human trafficking in the U.S. occurs in similar ways that it does in foreign countries.  The victim is forced, coerce or deceived by the trafficker then sold by a mixture of physical and psychological tactics.  Human trafficking is a modern day form of slavery and the fastest growing arm of organized crime.

300 children a month are trafficked in Atlanta, GA.

3000 children a day are trafficked in Los Angeles, CA.

Children under the age of 18 are not held responsible for crimes that are a direct result of their victimization.  Therefore, they should not be held or treated like a criminal.  They are victims who often need physical and psychological help.

3000 people a year are trafficked throughout the United States and 20,000 are trafficked into the US (FBI)

800,000 people are illegally trafficked against their will every year across various foreign borders, 50% are children.  70% of the trafficked women are sold into sexual slavery, chained to beds of horror. (US State Department).

What should you look for in identifying a victim?

  1.  Are they allowed in public alone?
  2. Can you detect any signs of physical or psychological abuse?
  3. Do they seem submissive or fearful?
  4. Has their speech been coached?
  5. Is the victim a juvenile?


  1.  US Dept of Justice’s Trafficking in Person’s and Worker’s Exploitation  Task Force Hotline……1.888.428.7581
  2. US Immigrations and Customs Enforcement….1.866.DHS.2.ICE
  3. Trafficking Information and Referral Hotline….1.888.373.7888
  4. WAR International…..1.877.END.SLAVERY (616.855.0796)

You are always welcome to call C.A.R.E., Inc. 1.231.745.0550

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