I became acquainted with Svali’s material in the early 90’s and found it to be a very helpful resource for my work with survivors. Svali gave me permission to share her articles on my blog.  She has articles on her own blog which might be very interesting for you as a therapist or caregiver.  I would suggest that survivors be very careful reading this material.  It would be a great idea for a survivor to talk it over with his/her therapist, caregiver or pastor before reading.  I would also suggest that a survivor have someone he/she trusts while reading the material.


When a survivor does not remember a particular event or experience, there are two basic possibilities. One is that the part of that person, who participated in that event or experience, vowed to forget what transpired. The other possibility is that a different part of that person participated in that event or that experience, and there are “barriers” between the different parts that prevent communication, mutual awareness, or permits awareness in only one direction (e.g.: part A always know what part B does, but part B does not even realize that part A exists).

Amnesia due to agreements to forget what happened

In the first case, where the parts of the survivor who participated in the event or experience vowed to forget it, it is important to explore why that part of the survivor agreed to forget. Was it to protect a loved one? (E.g.: The person was told “If you remember, your mother will die.” Was it to protect that part’s own sanity or sense of goodness? (E.g.: The person was told, “If you remember, you will go crazy,” or, “If you forget, God will also forget your sin.”) Was it to display loyalty? (E.g.: The person was told, “If you forget, that protects the group because you will then never divulge our secrets).

This type of amnesia is very common for the “day time” or “normal” parts of the person who have no memory of any cult activity. Often, these parts make up the “person” who first comes to therapy and believes that it is the other parts who have participated in cult activity and are programmed. In fact, the “day time” or “normal” parts of a survivor are also programmed and also participate in cult activity – but they are under vows to forget and be completely amnesic.

These reasons will need to be addressed with truth, support and love. For instance, some important truths to share with parts to challenge their agreement to forget can be “remembering does not mean you are betraying the group”, “remembering will not drive you crazy”, “remembering does not mean that you are evil”, “when you were little and you remembered then people died and there was a big earthquake – that was a set up in a programming studio – that does not really happen in real life”. Prayer is critical – ask God what it is that the survivor needs to see about being afraid to remember. Often, it is difficult for the survivor (or the therapist!) to know precisely what truth that the traumatized parts need to hear the most – but God knows exactly what the survivor needs. As part of addressing this type of amnesia, the following can be part of the healing process:

  • Renouncing the agreements/vows/covenants to forget; asking God for the truth
  • Repenting for all sins involved in the making of the agreements/vows/covenants – rituals, sacrifices, sexual acts, etc.
  • Breaking all unholy ties with the others involved in the agreements/vows/covenants
  • Renouncing agreements for any sort of punishment or retaliation to fall on self or loved ones in the event that the survivor remembers; asking God to provide protection for self and loved ones, for blessing
  • Renouncing the belief that remembering leads to horrible consequences and the program to not remember must not be broken; affirming that knowing the truth brings freedom and healing – being mind-controlled to forget brings harm
  • Repenting for all sins involved in whatever events that the amnesia was meant to cover
  • Asking God to heal all traumas involved

Amnesia due to different parts participating in the event or experience

The second type of amnesia is when a different part of the person participated in that event or that experience, and there are “barriers” between the different parts that prevent communication, mutual awareness, or permits awareness in only one direction (e.g.: part A always know what part B does, but part B does not even realize that part A exists). For instance, if an assassin part has done a hit the night before, typically the “normal”/ “daytime” part of the person who is a kindergarten teacher will have absolutely no idea what happened, due to the barriers between these two different parts. She might feel a little tired from having less sleep than usual, maybe even slightly depressed (or not at all), but she will not have any memory of the event.

In this type of amnesia, the “barriers” are installed very early in the person’s childhood and are reinforced throughout the person’s lifetime. The “barrier” is most fundamentally a refusal between parts to communicate. Barriers are installed in a few basic ways:

  • “Cult parts” are put through various set-ups to make them refuse to let the “normal/daytime” parts know what they do. E.g.: When a child the very young, the two different sets of parts are allowed to be “out” in the body at the same time. The emotions of the day time parts prevent the cult parts from doing their duties. The day time parts are cued back in and only the cult parts get punished by the programmer. The cult parts are then told that they should never let the day parts know what is going on or the cult parts would become “weak” and incompetent.
  • “Day/ normal” parts are taught to fear knowing anything that the cult parts do. E.g.: When the child is very young, the cult parts are cued out then told to kill. The “day /normal” parts are then cued out and are horrified by the murder. The programmer then tells the child they can “make it all go away” by building a wall between them and the “bad parts” inside. The programmer then helps the child to build a wall in front of corpse and tells the child that that takes all the badness away.
  • Both “cult parts” and “day/normal parts” are taught to believe that being in the body at the same time and sharing information will lead to great pain and destruction. E.g. When the child is very young, the programmers cue both set of parts out, then tortures then child or a loved one in front of the child. The torture stops when one set of parts go back in deeper. The programmer than warns the child that the two sets of parts must never be out at the same time or share information.
  • Some parts are programmed to be memory “buffers” i.e. they stand between different groups of parts to block any communication or sharing of memories. E.g.: When the child is very young, she or he is placed in a large room. On one side of the room are people engaged in “normal” activities. In the other side of the room, people are engaged in “cult activities”. If people from one of the room engage with the other side, both are “killed” (the child is typically too young to recognize the staged deaths). The child tries to stop the communication and is praised when she does so. The programmer tells these parts of the child that their job is to prevent disaster by preventing different sets of people from communicating.

Healing this kind of amnesia involved addressing the reasons that parts have for maintaining any “barriers” to communication, for not telling and not knowing. The survivor is put through multiple traumatic experiences from a very young age; the examples above list only a small sample of the “programming set-ups” used to convince different parts to remain isolated from one another and under control of the group. As with the first type of amnesia, prayer for truth, exposure of the lies involved in the belief system running the programming and healing of traumas involved is critical. As part of the healing process for this type of amnesia, the process can include:

  • Renouncing the agreements/vows/covenants for parts to never communicate, never be aware of each other, and/or to despise or fear each other
  • Repenting for all sins involved in the making of the agreements/vows/covenants – rituals, sacrifices, sexual acts, etc.
  • Breaking all unholy ties with the others involved in the agreements/vows/covenants
  • Renouncing agreements for any sort of punishment or retaliation to fall on self or loved ones in the event that the parts communicate; asking God to provide protection for self and loved ones, for blessing
  • Renouncing the belief that parts communicating leads to horrible consequences and the program to not communicate must not be broken; affirming that knowing the truth and getting to know each other inside brings freedom and healing – being mind-controlled to stay separate brings harm
  • Repenting for all sins involved in whatever events that the lack of communication is meant to hide
  • Asking God to heal all traumas involved


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