We had a great team of people consisting of Caregivers and Therapists at our weekend retreat.  Well, it turned out to be more of a conference than a retreat.  The first day, Friday, we shared information from 9 am to 9 pm.  There was very little time to rest, only during meals.  After looking into the eyes of our participants and seeing the tiredness, we only shared information from 9-5 and then had a banquet with an incredible meal. Our community provided the hospitality and they did a wonderful job.  The last day was more relaxed and we worked from 9-5 and had a barbecue at the River House.  It was an invigorating experience for us and I pray for our guests.  Our two interns planned the retreat and presenting from their own experiences which the participants found to be profound presentations.

Jo and I are excited because this was the first “retreat” of what we hope will be many more.  We hoping to have regional retreats in the north, south, east and west in the future.  If you are interested in a three day retreat in your area please contact us.

I wish all of you would have had the opportunity to be in Baldwin and a  participant this past weekend.

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