“Unless you turn (shuv) and become like children, you will never (οὐ μὴ) enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 18:3). Such is the importance of simple trust in God… Indeed Yeshua repeatedly taught us to trust God as “Abba,” our Father (אַבָּא אָבִינוּ). He taught that we are warmly accepted as part of his family; that we are under his constant care; and that we live within his household as beloved children… And even though God is utterly transcendent, the Infinite One (אין סוף) and Creator of all worlds, he humbles himself to feed the birds of the air, to water lilies of the field, and to count the number of hairs on your head (Psalm 113:5-6). He is as close as your next breath; he leans upon your bosom at the table; he anticipates what you need before you ask him… The “fear of the Lord” is that you might fail knowing his great love for you — that you will forget your true identity in lesser things. Therefore affirm the truth that you are loved with an unending and everlasting love, that you are safe, that you are surely accepted, and that nothing can ever separate you from the power of love. God your Father hears you, he knows you, and he loves you bekhol levavo (בְּכָל־לְבָבוֹ) – “with all his heart.”

Hebrews for Christians

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