We began CARE because it was obvious many women needed a place to call “home,” even if was for a short time.  As prayer ministers we saw many cases of domestic violence, sexual abuse, trafficking, serious religious abuse and one or two hours of week was certainly not meeting the needs of this population.  They needed a place of belonging, people who understood and cared about their issues and could help them through the journey of healing.  We have written a book about our journey of community building in the book Divine Design (divine design.org) for further information.  Yesterday my thoughts revolved around the pain I was personally experiencing about loss.  Today my thoughts are more positive because I have personally witnessed and enjoyed seeing so many come through CARE and experience a family atmosphere, the good, the bad and sometimes the ugly, like most families.

Recently my health has been declining and Jo, the other director, has been away because of her mother’s poor health.  I have been blessed to be on the receiving end of community instead of the giving end.  They rotate in giving me rides to the doctors, taking me to the hospital when needed, getting my medications for me, grocery shopping for me, walking my dog and bringing wood in for my wood stove (we live up north where we put “serious, “snow” and “cold” altogether).  This week someone brought my mail in and handed it to me.  Most of the mail was the mundane bills and advertisements but there was also a card that had not come through the mail, it was just placed in my box at work.  I opened the card and money fell onto my lap – not just a little money but lots of money.  I sat there stunned almost afraid of touching it because I had to be dreaming or having some type of psychotic break, .  I called the office and asked it anyone had seen someone place a card in my box and of course no one did.  I am assuming the money was for all my medical expenses.  Most of our women have very little money and whoever gave me this money gave sacrificially from their heart.  This my friends is a family, a place called home, who has learned to give and receive, even me!

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