The 4th of July is such a happy time for me!  My family comes to visit (Sandy, two of her grandson’s Josiah and Jacob and my mother.  The boys fished (Jacob caught 12 fish in three days as well as three turtles – sigh), looked for shells (found quite a few- yea Josiah), swam and watched fireworks for three nights.  It was a busy time but most enjoyable.  It was a mini vacation!  The saddest part is our survivors do not get breaks.  Memories come, pain of missing family, loneliness and depression.  Sadly they rarely get a break from the pain.  I had community members come to the Lake on the 4th.  They kayaked, swam and enjoyed the sun. In the evening we had a cookout and sat around a fire watching fireworks.  Everyone seem to have a good time which always makes my day!  I was overflowing with JOY!

Why is joy so important?  At CARE we desire to build joy bonds because this desirable form of human motivation and attachment result from two people who are glad to be together.  Joy is the basis for all strong  bonds and stable relationships.  Being together is always of great value so joy bonds allow us to share both sorrows and joys.

Another reason we desire to build joy is to increase the survivors capacity, which is the neurological limit for being able to act like their  relational selfs and strengthen the survivors ability to handle emotions and stress.  Capacity is developed by training in joy, shalom (peace) and returning to joy that is practiced with other people in a relational way.  Exceeding their capacity results in a loss of synchronization in the brain so that their experience is no longer processed correctly leading to the possibility of trauma and blocking the processing of traumatic memories.  Their capacity can be increased by alternating strong joy and shalom experiences in their relationships. (Joy Starts Here by J. Wilder, E. Khouri, C. Coursey, S. Sutton)

The Joy of the Lord is our STRENGTH and without His strength the ability to heal from anything is seriously diminished.



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